Salisbury Chamber of Commerce

Virtual Work Experience

Although it is hoped that actual placements in business will be possible in the coming months, there will be a need – at least in the short term – to deliver virtual work placements for many students. Indeed, such online experiences are likely to be part of students’ preparation for work or further study in the future A virtual placement with a business could include the following:

  • Student statement of interest in a particular job or career (if known) plus plans for any (relevant) training or further study.
  • Business summary of company info and its structure/aims/expectations
  • Student preparation gathering info on company (including website where possible) and wider industry sector
  • Initial Zoom with student (who should expect to come with plenty of questions from research done)
  • At first or subsequent Zoom, student talks with various staff who explain where they fit in the company/ broad roles/responsibilities and typical day.
  • Student given project by company**
  • Regular email exchange with main appointed contact within company: opportunity for students to ask questions/ receive guidance etc
  • Report back from both student and company.
  • Further advice and careers guidance
  • Student could be asked to undertake survey on company’s behalf
  • Any safeguarding issues to be discussed with school.

If you would like to help offer a young person some work experience please email Peter Thompson [email protected] in the first instance.